What is ReactJS?😍

ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces(UIs). React is developed and released by Facebook. Facebook is continuously working on the React library and enhancing it by fixing bugs and introducing new features.

Why Learn ReactJS?

There are several reasons to learn ReactJS, as per the demand in the development industry of React developers and features React has to offer that can not be replaced by other frameworks or libraries.

  • Ease of Use: ReactJS does not require writing lengthy codes as it supports the Components concept so a small amount of code can be created and can be used in multiple places.
  • Multiple Module Support: There are so many modules in ReactJS that can be used to make your development more scalable, and manageable at a fast pace.
  • Multiple Apps Development: By using React knowledge we can create Web Pages, Web Apps, Mobile Apps, and VR Apps. There are a lot of websites that are using ReactJS like Airbnb, Cloudflare, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
  • Easy Migration: Because of its easy learning curve migration from other technologies became so easy. There are tons of resources to learn ReactJS from basics to advanced.
  • Large Community: ReactJS has one of the largest communities to help you when you are in trouble debugging your codes or get stuck learning new things.

What is the need for ReactJS?πŸ‘ˆ

Even though there are various libraries that provide a medium to develop user-interfaces, ReactJS still stands tall in terms of popularity. Here's why 

  • Component Based− ReactJS makes use of multiple components to build an application. These components are independent and have their own logic which makes them reusable throughout the development process. This will drastically reduce the application's development time.
  • Better and Faster Performance − ReactJS uses Virtual DOM. Virtual DOM compares the previous states of components of an application with the current states and only updates the changes in Real DOM. Whereas, conventional web applications update all components again. This helps ReactJS in creating web applications faster.
  • Extremely Flexible − React allows developers and teams to set their own conventions that they deem are best suited and implement it however they see fit, as there are no strict rules for code conventions in React.
  • Creates dynamic applications easily − Dynamic web applications require less coding while offering more functionality. Thus, ReactJS can create them easily.
  • Develops Mobile Applications as well − Not only web applications, React can also develop mobile applications using React Native. React Native is an open-source UI software framework that is derived from React itself. It uses React Framework to develop applications for Android, macOS, Web, Windows etc.
  • Debugging is Easy − The data flow in React is unidirectional, i.e., while designing an app using React, child components are nested within parent components. As the data flows is in a single direction, it gets easier to debug errors and spot the bugs.

ReactJS is popular front-end library in these days. There are a lot compnaies that hire ReactJS developers like facebook, instagram, airbnb, etc.
